Today’s safari is specially designed to search for rhinos in their very own areas. It takes very good preparation to experience these impressive animals in the wild.

“There is no 100% certainty that we will see the rhinos on every safari, but the chances are very good.”

On our safaris through the bush of South Africa we encountered rhinos on one of our tours. With the Land Rover we get close to them up to a few meters, what an experience! The number of rhinos in the national parks is very low. Rhinos are still at risk of extinction across Africa. It is not easy to protect the animals even in the national parks.

The rhinos have populated the African savannahs for millions of years. Even after a long stay in East and South Africa, you only encounter some of the huge colossi.

There are now protective measures in place in some African countries that are trying to save the endangered animals from permanent extinction. Young, two to three year old males leave their mother and soon join a fellow species to explore the savannah. She then has a long-standing friendship with this friend.

The rhinos are extremely impressive when viewed up close. Our rangers and gamekeepers know exactly where they are, making the safari a wonderful event that you can think back on for a long time.