Giraffes can be found in most national parks in South Africa. It is wonderful to see the giant animals wandering through the bush in their swaying and slow-motion walk. Giraffes are the largest land animals on earth.

“There is no 100% certainty that we will see giraffes on every safari, but the chances are very good.”

When fully grown, bulls reach a size of around 6 meters with a shoulder height of over 3 meters. The animals are eye-catching. Giraffes are tree masers. They are busy looking for food all day long. As they move from tree to tree they tear off small branches and leaves. They like the foliage of the thorny acacia trees best. When drinking, the giraffes spread their front legs very far apart. It is only in this position that they often become prey to lions. Otherwise they defend themselves very well against these attackers with strong blows with their long legs.